!Note that this is a Creole Test and won't display correctly at wikicreole.org

== Headings

== Heading2
=== Heading3
==== Heading4
===== Heading5


== Heading2 =
=== Heading3 =
==== Heading4 =====
===== Heading5 ==

== Bold and Italic


A normal sentence. **A bold sentence
that continues in bold over a line break.** And another normal sentence.

A normal sentence. **A bold sentence that is not terminated by star-star, but is instead is terminated by a paragraph break.

A normal sentence.

A normal sentence. //An italic sentence
that continues in italic over a line break.// And another normal sentence.

A normal sentence. //An italic sentence that is not terminated by slash-slash, but is instead is terminated by a paragraph break.

A normal sentence.

== Preformatted text

Normal text {{{preformatted text}}} Normal text.

A block
of preformatted text

== Links



[[http://www.wikicreole.org|Wiki Creole Site]]

== Misc

A horizontal rule follows

== Lists
* bulleted list
* bullet 2
** bullet level 2
*** bullet level 3

# numbered list
# item 2
## item 2.1
### item 2.1.1
#### item
##### item
# item 3
# item 4