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Creoleparser.py is a Creole 1.0 parser written in Python.

Download it here.

For installation instructions and a few example, see the source code.


  • Creoleparser.py is a complete 1.0 implementation (rarely straying from the Creole1.0 page)
  • Uses Genshi - the Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
    • guarantees valid xml output
  • Supports mixing of ordered and unordered lists (using a syntax similar to Confluence). Near the bottom of the source file are test cases - including mixed lists.

The markup on Creole 1.0 Test Cases (up to the stuff about older Creole versions) was used to make this page

I plan to find a better home for this project soon!

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« This particular version was published on 20-Okt-2007 07:39 by StephenDay.