I love [spam|http://spam.com/]! My day is not complete without [spam|http://www.detritus.org/spam/skit.html]. One of the best things about [C2:SoftSecurity] is the opportunity to see lots and lots of [spam|http://www.python.org/doc/1.4/tut/node100.html].

This is quite funny, if you check the links...

And don't forget the [fritter|http://www.spam-uk.com/fritterad.htm].

How come this page never gets locked? ;)

I guess this has already been discussed, but why isn't editing restricted to registered users?
Seems that most real contributions are from registered users, except when we forget to login...
(sorry to discuss that here, but it'll be one less page to remove if I don't create the Discussion
page!) -- [[YvesPiguet]], 07-Feb-09