These are elements up for discussion. For a stable set of elements please see [Versions].

!!!Summary of All Markup

* [All Markup] - lists all markup on one page for easy viewing.

!!!Basic elements of Creole discussed at Wikisym 06

Creole Wiki discussion has focussed on developing a small set of elements rather than a comprehensive vocabulary.

* [Lists] - Ordered and unordered lists
* [Bold And Italics] - Text emphasis
* [Headings] 
* [Links] - Internal and external
* [Paragraphs]
* [Linebreaks] - How to handle linebreaks, forced line breaks...
* [Preformatted And Nowiki] - For inserting text with a lot of special characters, like sourcecode
* [Placeholder] - Markup for unsupported syntax
* [Images] - in-line images and in-line image links
* [Horizontal Line] - often used as divider in discussions -> potential conflict with dashes for lists

!!!Not discussed yet

* [Tables] - Simple tables should be included...
* [Escape] - Do we need escape characters?

* Underline __underlined__ and --(strike)-- markup