!Some notes for new visitors
If you are not familiar with the markup you can change the editor at the right top of the edit area from plain (default) to WikiWizard, which has buttons for all common elements. Of course there is a [sandbox] as well.

For more details see [How to use this Wiki]

--[Christoph] 27-Aug-06

!!!Aloha Wiki Users!
A final [Creole 0.2] is available!  [Creole 0.3] will be under discussion until 15 Dec 2006.

Welcome to ~WikiCreole!  If you are a first-time visitor, please check out [how to use this wiki].  To read the latest info on Creole, please visit our [News] blog. If you would like to suggest something and don't know where to put it, use the [Talk] page.

Wikis share [common design principles|Ohana:WikiPrinciples], each wiki [engine] having its own strengths and weaknesses. There are wiki engines best for big communities or for corporate usage depending on the IT infrastructure.  Other wiki engines are simple to install for personal usage. Users have different roles and might use many wiki engines. Because wiki engines have different markup languages, it makes them hard to use together.

Creole is a common wiki markup language to be used across different Wikis. It's not replacing existing markup but instead enabling wiki users to transfer content seamlessly across wikis, and for novice users to contribute more easily. Creole will create a community of wikis users and developers that forms a [Wiki Ohana]. This Wiki was initiated and originally set up by the [people] at the [Wiki Markup Standard Workshop|http://ws2006.wikisym.org/space/Workshop%3e%3eWiki+Markup+Standard] at the [Wikisym 06].

Our conclusions for a beta wiki Creole markup have been placed at [all markup] (detailed analysis can be found at [elements]).  Developers of eleven wiki [engines] have expressed willingness to implement Creole in their software.  We are not setting up any strict guidelines for [implementation], but will leave that up to the developers to decide which way would be best.

[{Image src = 'Wikisym06/wikisym06_wms_workshop.jpg' caption = 'Ward Cunningham is explaining Creole at the WMS workshop'}]
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