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This a test for creole 0.1 (1)#

This is a Subheading (2)#

Subsub (3)#

Subsubsub (4)

You can make things bold or italic or both.

Character formatting extends across line breaks: bold, this is still bold. This line deliberately does not end in star-star.

Not bold. Character formatting does not cross paragraph boundaries.

You can use InternalLinks or external Links, give the link a different name.

Here's another sentence: This Wisdom is taken from Ward Cunninghams Presentation at the Wikisym 06

you can use this to draw a line to seperate the page

you can format a adress by simply adding linebreaks

My contact dates: Pone: xyz Fax: +45 Mobile: abc

You can use lists, start it at the first column for now, please...

unnumbered lists are like

  • item a
  • item b
  • bold item c

or you can number them

  1. item a
  2. item b
  3. italic item c

up to five levels

  • 1
    • 2
      • 3
        • 4
          • 5

you can use nowiki syntax if you would like do stuff like this

Guitar Chord C:


or if you need that in a sentence like this.

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« This particular version was published on 08-Jan-2007 20:09 by Christoph.