(For fuller discussion of all the issues regarding new lines at the prosal stage see: [[Newlines]])

{{{ \\ }}} (wiki-style) for line breaks. 

This is the first line,\\and this is the second.

Recommended XHTML:
This is the first line,<br />
and this is the second.

Sample Output:

This is the first line,\\
and this is the second.

**Rationale: ** __blog-style vs. wiki-style__\\
There was a [long discussion|Talk.Change Linebreak Markup Proposal] whether to use blog-style or wiki-style (legacy-style) line breaks. We decided to change the original blog-style line break recommendation (treat linebreaks as line breaks) from [Creole 0.3] to the wiki-style linebreaks recommendation. Wikis __must__ support forced line break syntax {{{ \\ }}}.

We encourage engine developers that have already implemented the Creole 0.3 style (blog-style) line breaks not to throw away their implementation, but to add an option so that administrators can choose in which mode to run their installation. This way we hope to gain more experience with blog-style line breaks. In a blog-style line break mode, the forced line break syntax must be supported, so that line breaks will properly migrate when people copy text from a wiki with forced line break characters. [[Paragraphs and Line Breaks Reasoning|More details]]