List of wiki engines taken from [Wiki Popularity].  Also see [Line breaks].

!!!Summary as of 10 Jan 2007

!!Double backslash
* Confluence
* DokuWiki
* JSPWiki
* PmWiki
* SnipSnap

!!BR surrounded by double square brackets
* MoinMoin
* MoniWiki
* TracWiki

!!!Most Popular Open Source Wiki Engines

{{{ &br; }}}
{{{[[BR]]}}} (a macro)
{{{ \\ }}}
{{{%%%}}} [PhpWiki Text Formatting Rules|]
{{{ [[BR]] }}}
does not exist?
{{{ \\ }}}
{{{ \\ }}}
{{{ --- }}}
does not exist?
Varies. {{{<BR>}}}, {{{\\}}}, and single newlines (blog-style) have been used.
!![Midgard Wiki]
does not exist?
does not exist?
does not exist?
{{{ [[BR]] }}}

!!!Most Popular Commercial Wiki Engines

{{{ \\ }}}
does not exist?
does not exist?
does not exist?
does not exist?

!!!Other Wiki Engines

!!!Other Markup
