Since multiline paragraphs have been permitted since 0.4, it should also be
the case for list elements. I.e.
* some long
list item
should be rendered like
* some long list item
An empty line would be used to start a paragraph.

An empty line marks the end of all lists, even deeply nested ones:
* a
* b
** c

is rendered as

In addition, any markup that doesn't belong in a list will end the list. For instance, tables, headings or preformatted blocks are not allowed inside list elements, and thus a markup that starts any of them will cause a list to end. An alternative solution, ignoring the markup when it appears inside a list, would introduce a nasty special case.

As a general rule of thumb, any inline elements are allowed inside list while the block elements (ones that start on their own line) will cause the list to end.

== Wikis allowing this markup

- Oddmuse
- MoinMoin
- ...

== Wikis not allowing this markup

- JSPWiki
- MediaWiki
* TiddlyWiki
* DokuWiki
* C2Wiki
* UseMod
* PmWiki
- ...