See []

Things that could be maybe a good idea:
* Possibility to mark parts of the document and name them -- either to wrap in a div to me handled specially with css, or to apply special formatting rules (apart from the standard ones that work too). Something like light bulb at [].

What I like in Creole so far:

* link syntax, with some room for improvement for non-us keyboards;
* ending paragraphs/lists with an empty line;
* ending paragraphs by starting a list;
* ending paragraphs/lists by starting a pre block;
* ending paragraphs/lists by putting a heading or horizontal line;
* allowing to indent lists;
* pre block and nowiki syntax (with room for improvement);
* heading syntax;
* horizontal line syntax;

What I don't like, but consider acceptable:

* parsing raw urls in text;
* bold/italics terminology (and resulting decisions);
* italics syntax;
* nesting and mixing of bold/italics;
* emphasizing links;
* choice of syntax for placeholder;
* choice of syntax for images;
* nesting lists;
* mixing lists types;
* two separate lists types;
* too many heading levels;

What I think should change before final spec:

* use asterisks for bullet lists;
* ignore line breaks in paragraph text (a special syntax for forcing line breaks may be introduced);
* limit nesting level of lists (preferably to 1);
* allow (preferably require) descriptions in images;

This is where I stand for today (2006-09-08). I'm open to explain/discuss my reasons behind any of these points. I reserve a right to change my mind about any of these points.

I think it could help if others prepared similar lists.

Yes, good idea whit the list. --[Christoph]