This is a pic
|= Animal      |= Image              |  
|Praying mantis|{{prayingMantis.jpg}}|


==This is a heading 1
===This is heading 2
====This is heading 3
*Bullet     1
*Bullet     2
*Bullet     3
##Item      1
##Item      2
##Item      3
This is normal.  //This is Italic.//  **This is Bold.**
==This is large heading
===This is medium heading

* item 1
* item 2
# item a
# item b
** item 3
## item c

# MyTry
## MyTry222
# sdasldfs
~~lkjfl lkjfasdf lflasdf
[[head|head a|head2| 
| |tryrt| | 
|sdfasd|dfasd| | 
|head|head a|head2| 
| |tryrt| | 
|sdfasd|dfasd| | 

[[test spam|]]

normal text
===heading 2




# One
# Two
# Three

# One
# Two
# Three

|over two lines?|


==Bold Tests


***too many stars***

this **bold text\\
should span lines

==Link Tests

An internal link to this page [[Sandbox|WikiCreole:Sandbox]].

An example with [[too many open and close|[]]] characters.

**This is bold text**
This is text