A html output for those test cases?
-- [RadomirDopieralski], 2006-09-06

Do we need that? I think it should be up to the engine implementer what to use, we just give recomendations. You could also write a Latex converter for this. Do we need output examples for this as well? Wheres the end to this? Creole describes a Model of a Document, i don't think it should be tied to closely to any representation. It's a novell, you make the movie out of it. We don't tell you the script for the movie. Just make it so that People like it.

I don't judge your implementation on wether your XHTML is exactly. I just will tell you if i like what i see. Just as i don't judge a movie on how closely it is to the book. I think creole should give implementers creative freedom to interpret it.

--[Christoph] 06-Aug-2006

Why do the test cases feature nested lists?
-- AlexSchroeder

No specific reason, i just don't do that usually, thats why i personally have no clue how it should be rendered, or what would be logical. As soon as something comes into my mind I add it :) In the meantime please feel free to add stuff you would like to have tested and working by yourself, but don't make it too big.

We could have a common "Things people usually do" testcase and a "Horrible things that people might do" testcase if you like.

-- Christoph  06-Sep-2006

Well, I'll be writing my own test cases and they will go into the Oddmuse unit tests (see the Oddmuse Talk page on this wiki for a snapshot), so I'm not too interested in the test cases listed here. The suggested XHTML output on the ordinary pages is good enough. 

-- AlexSchroeder

Yes, those testcases are more like for people like me, wandering around in wikiland, visiting the sandboxes and see if stuff works i need. Blackbox dummytests that i will improve incrementally as i learn more what does not work. But please add links to your unit test descriptions here as well, certainly helpfull for wiki developers!

-- ChristophSauer 07-Sep-2006