Seems that the Alexa column is not sorted properly? -- RadomirDopieralski

Yah; it's because it contains non-numbers, so it gets sorted as a set of strings, not as a set of numbers... -- JanneJalkanen

I turned all the Alexa ranks into numbers, even if that means it turns into non-sensical data and moved the star warning that the data is not accurate to the wiki engine column. -- ChuckSmith

Is someone regularly updating this page? Wikkawiki is not included in the list. There are currently [880000|] Google Results for Wikka (please note Wikka is often referred to as Wikka Wiki—two distinct words—hence the query I used to calculate these results: +wikka +wiki) and the domain has an Alexa traffic rank of 109,930. If no one is actively mantaining this table, I'll go on and add this entry myself -- DarioTaraborelli

Go ahead. But I think it would be fair to also update other entries then -- their ranks might have changed. -- [RadomirDopieralski]