
Although Creole is mainly designed as a language to bring wikis closer together, I'm sure that many solutions are universal enough to be used in other text applications. We hope that both Sysquake and Creole will benefit from your presence here.

-- RadomirDopieralski, 2007-01-23


-- Yves, 2007-01-25

I'm wondering why you mention definition lists. Are you using them a lot? It seems to be one of the least popular html elements, many people don't even realize it's there. It also doesn't have a counterpart in many text markup languages -- you usually just use normal lists or paragraphs combined with emphasis, or even a table. Even Google recognizes that.

Not that I'm totally opposed to it, but it's the first time anybody mentions he misses it, so I'm curious :).

-- RadomirDopieralski