These are the current (Revisions/Recommendations/Specifications/Versions) on creole, that we publish according to our [Release Policy]. See the [[ChangeLog]] for an overview of differences between the versions. Take a look at [[CheatSheet]] for a quick overview of markup elements.

!Possible Creole Additions
* [InlineQuotesProposal]
* [IndentationMarkupProposal]
* [SuperscriptAndSubscriptProposal]

!Creole 0.6 - proposed (2007-Mar-21), discussion until 2007-Apr-04

* changed asterisk for bullet lists to hyphen (see [[Hyphen List Markup Proposal]])
* added escape character as tilde (see [[Escape Character Proposal]])
* removed monospace requirement from in-line nowiki (see [[Proportional Font Nowiki Proposal]])

!Creole 0.5 - stable (2007-Feb-27)
* [RequireSpaceAfterBulletProposal]
* [AlternateLinkSyntaxProposal]
* [AddNoWikiEscapeProposal]
Not to forget:
* [Tables] - with headings

!Creole 0.4 - stable (2007-Jan-31)

* [Creole 0.4]
* [ChangeLinebreakMarkupProposal]

!Creole 0.3 - stable
Final v0.3 spec of Creole (2006-Dec-19)
*[Creole 0.3]

Changes from [Creole 0.2]:
* [Tables|Creole0.3#Tables] - all cells separated by single pipes
* Removed rule: "Links should not be allowed to contain a linebreak."
* Added summary of reasoning for markup elements in comment boxes.

!Creole 0.2 - stable
Final v0.2 spec of Creole (2006-Nov-20)
* [Creole 0.2]

Changes from [Creole 0.1]:
* Images now can have optional ALT text {{{ {{flower.png|alt text}} }}}

!Creole 0.1 - stable
Final v0.1 spec of Creole (2006-Sep-11)

* [Creole 0.1]
* [Creole 0.1 Test Cases]
* [Creole 0.1 Test Cases 2]