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This page (revision-56) was last changed on 26-Sep-2007 09:34 by ChuckSmith  

This page was created on 05-Sep-2006 10:57 by Christoph

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
56 26-Sep-2007 09:34 8.3 kB ChuckSmith to previous restore
55 26-Sep-2007 01:18 8.317 kB to previous | to last
54 26-Sep-2007 00:47 8.309 kB to previous | to last
53 28-Oct-2006 09:17 8.3 kB MicheleTomaiuolo to previous | to last spam reverted
52 28-Oct-2006 00:17 0.129 kB to previous | to last Nice site! [url=http://blxxsyda.com/hopl/chrm.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://xrbdjsdp.com/pqlu/phpb.html]Cool site[/url]
51 02-Oct-2006 14:10 8.3 kB Esther Brunner to previous | to last
50 18-Sep-2006 11:35 8.297 kB to previous | to last added another clarification to lists
49 15-Sep-2006 19:09 8.458 kB to previous | to last found bug?
48 14-Sep-2006 12:47 8.254 kB to previous | to last better wording about lists and bold
47 14-Sep-2006 12:44 8.181 kB to previous | to last across lines in lists
46 14-Sep-2006 12:40 8.163 kB to previous | to last about unordered lists and bold
45 12-Sep-2006 19:58 7.738 kB to previous | to last fix br tag
44 12-Sep-2006 10:35 7.737 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last removed a space from external link
43 11-Sep-2006 17:40 7.739 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last added today's date
42 11-Sep-2006 17:18 7.725 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last final 0.1 spec
41 11-Sep-2006 15:53 8.176 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last added example with list item followed by paragraph
« This page (revision-56) was last changed on 26-Sep-2007 09:34 by ChuckSmith