Please note that this wiki is not a reference implementation of Creole.#

test : <p> paragraph insertion
"Hard wrapping software should not be used to author wiki markup, because it can put characters in text as a first character in a line.
Those character then get special meaning in the wiki markup, although the author did not intend it." List start here:
- item1
- item2
Second Line.
New paragraph.
hello world salam.
Welcome to the Jungle, we've got fun and games...
Heading 1#
some boldThat's not an h1 up there...
This is a Heading 1#
another h1 ==== and this?#
and below we have a sub heading...
Sub Heading (h2)#
That should do for now.jhksjdhfsk dkjs dfsdkj sdjk | ||
dfsdf | dfsdf | dsfsdf |
dfsdfs | sdfsdf | dfsdf \ |
some bold and italic text not
some italic and bold text not
some bold and italic text 'not
<b>bold</b> ~
This is a pic
Animal | Image |
Praying mantis | ![]() |
Recumbent Banana |![]() |
This is a heading 1#
This is heading 2#
This is heading 3#
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
This is normal. This is Italic. This is Bold.
This is large heading#
This is medium heading#
- item 1
- item 2
- item a
- item b
- item c
~lkjfl lkjfasdf lflasdf
normal textheading 2#
- One
- Two
- Three
- One
- Two
- Three
*one | /item |
/two | '_item |
_over two lines?' |
Bold Tests#
An *odd-balanced* example.
An *odd-unbalanced-open example.
An odd-unbalanced-close* example.
An even-balanced example.
An even-unbalanced-open example.
An even-unbalanced-close example.
A bold text
line span closed example.
A bold text
line span unclosed example
Link Tests#
An internal link to this page WikiCreole:Sandbox.
An example with No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called "[http"!] characters.
This is bold text This is text
bold and still bold
List Tests#
Mixed List Types#
- ordered first
- ordered second
- ordered second
Mixed List Levels#
- first level
- second level
- third level
- second level
- second level
- second level
- first level
List Item Escaping#
- first
- second
- second
- third level item without defined parent lists
1 (expecting 1 - lone tilde)
~ 2 (expecting 1 - escapes a tilde)
~~ 3 (expecting 1 - escapes second tilde and semi-escapes space)
~~~ 4 (expecting 2 - escapes 2nd tilde and 4th tilde)
This has a ~tilde which should show up.
This has a lone tilde which should show up.
This has a tilde before the ~// which shouldn't show up.
This has a tilde inside a URL so it should show up as part of the URL.
This has a tilde to escape the link [tilde].
This has two ~ tildes which should show up as only one.
This has a tilde beforea space so shouldn't show up nor escape that space.
This has a tilde at the end of (broken) line\\ so it should escape that markup.
This has a tilde at the end of line so shouldn't show up nor escape that EOL.~
nowiki test: fdgofgenlofgten
- list item one
- sub item
- list item two according to the spec, this should be a new list item at the same level as list item one
aaaa bbbbbb ccccccccccc
ho | w | is | the | ||
time | for | all | good | men | dfsdf |
jhksjdhfsk dkjs | dfsdkj | sdjk | dfsdf | dfsdf | dsfsdf |
dfsdfs | sdfsdf | dfsdf |
This is a basic paragraph followed by a table.
col1 | col2 |
item1 | item2 |
and more text after that. Interesting that no p tag gets put after the table. There needs to be a separate line.
- first item
- second item
- third item
- third dot one
- dot two
- dot what?
- in middle
- third what?
- forth item
Table of Contents
- Please note that this wiki is not a reference implementation of Creole.
- Heading 1
- This is a Heading 1
- another h1 ==== and this?
- Sub Heading (h2)
- This is a heading 1
- This is heading 2
- This is heading 3
- This is large heading
- This is medium heading
- Heading
- heading 2
- heading
- heading
- Bold Tests
- Link Tests
- List Tests
- Mixed List Types
- Mixed List Levels
- List Item Escaping
- Escapes
- This should be level 1
- This should be level 2
- This should be level 3
This should be level 1#
TextThis should be level 2#
more textThis should be level 3#
last text
Is this a link or not?
Test of numered headings:
- = level 1 (number 1)
- == level 2 (number (1.1)
- == more level 2 (number 1.2)
- = another level 1 (number 2)
- == level 2 (number 2.1)
- === level 3 (number (2.1.1)
- == level 2 (number 2.1)
Add new attachment
List of attachments
Kind | Attachment Name | Size | Version | Date Modified | Author | Change note |
dat |
Bold in wiki engines.dat | 0.2 kB | 1 | 11-Nov-2013 05:23 | unknown | |
png |
» Bold in wiki engines.png | 20.6 kB | 1 | 11-Nov-2013 05:23 | unknown | |
jpg |
» prayingMantis.jpg | 14.6 kB | 1 | 17-Jan-2008 16:31 | Bradman67 |