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This page (revision-4) was last changed on 05-Feb-2007 22:10 by RadomirDopieralski  

This page was created on 05-Feb-2007 17:43 by

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At line 4 added one line
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We are extremely happy about your interest in Creole, but could you please try to put your comments in the places where you think they belong? It's extremely hard to understand them when they appear out of context.
At line 7 changed one line
We are extremely happy about your interest in Creole, but could you please try to put your comments in the places where you think they belong? It's extremely hard to understand them when they appear out of context...
In particular, I don't understand what are you so agitated about? Creole **doesn't use colon for markup** anywhere in it, and it doesn't specify anything about namespaces -- in fact, we decided to leave "names" out of Creole spec because of [[InternationalizationConcerns]].
Besides, English is not the only valid language out there.
At line 14 added 2 lines
{on putting comments where they belong}
At line 13 changed 2 lines
...In particular, I don't understand what are you so agitated about? Creole **doesn't use colon for markup** anywhere in it, and it doesn't specify anything about namespaces -- in fact, we decided to leave "names" out of Creole spec because of [[InternationalizationConcerns]]....
-- RadomirDopieralski, 2007-02-05
{on using colon}
At line 21 changed 2 lines
...Besides, English is not the only valid language out there.
-- RadomirDopieralski, 2007-02-05
{on English not being the only language}
At line 31 added 9 lines
Yet again, please don't edit my answers. Thank you in advance.
I'm sure you can easily integrate with all of us using this wiki if you only go into trouble of actually reading a little of its content before posting. Then you can easily put your comments just besides the almost identical comments of people who talked about it earlier. Making a mess won't help anybody.
As for special status of namespaces or the syntax used for denote it -- we don't care. It's up to the wiki engine adopting Creole to decide. Most wikis don't even have namespaces at all. Most wikis already use the colon notation for inter-wiki links, according to the standard [[Meatball:InterWiki]]. We are not going to force any page-naming conventions or namespace handling philosophy on the wiki engines. This is just out of the scope of Creole.
As for colon in other languages -- Chinese, for example, doesn't even have such a character, at least in the form we know it. There are arabic and hebrew scripts with very specific typography, and there are some even more exotic ones -- all in use in wikis. A page about use of colon in one language and one culture is hardly helpful, not to mention leaving an unpleasant aftertaste -- especially in connection with the name "Creole".
-- RadomirDopieralski, 2007-02-05
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
4 05-Feb-2007 22:10 3.61 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous revert, don't edit my responses
3 05-Feb-2007 19:40 2.281 kB to previous | to last colons and namespaces don't seem optional to support
2 05-Feb-2007 18:41 1.354 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last what do you mean?
1 05-Feb-2007 17:43 0.732 kB to last colon denotes POV/attribution in English, protocol in URLs
« This page (revision-4) was last changed on 05-Feb-2007 22:10 by RadomirDopieralski