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This page (revision-4) was last changed on 19-Oct-2007 00:21 by  

This page was created on 17-Jan-2007 18:29 by RadomirDopieralski

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Where there are unresolvable conflicts, there are several possible solutions. The __first__ and preferred way is to just leave the more advanced and non-critical issues out of the standard, and allow the wikis to handle them with their native markup. This is the ExtensibleByOmission rule. __Second__ way -- when there are several competing, but not conflicting, markups -- is to allow them all, interchangeably. That is, for example, used in the heading markup, where trailing "=" characters are optional. __Third__ way is the hardest one for us: when there are several competing, conflicting markups, and the feature is too important and common to leave out, we need to make a decission, and choose one of them. This is the case with the link syntax, at least in first few versions of Creole. At the time of writing this, it is not decided whether we should use a __fourth__ way for the links: invent a completely new (or just rare), non-conflicting markup. The last, __fifth__ way is to give up mixed mode for the particular, problematic family of wiki engines and resort to a different [Implementation].
Where there are unresolvable conflicts, there are several possible solutions. The __first__ and preferred way is to just leave the more advanced and non-critical issues out of the standard, and allow the wikis to handle them with their native markup. This is the ExtensibleByOmission rule. __Second__ way -- when there are several competing, but not conflicting, markups -- is to allow them all, interchangeably. That is, for example, used in the heading markup, where trailing "=" characters are optional. __Third__ way is the hardest one for us: when there are several competing, conflicting markups, and the feature is too important and common to leave out, we need to make a decision, and choose one of them. This is the case with the link syntax, at least in first few versions of Creole. At the time of writing this, it is not decided whether we should use a __fourth__ way for the links: invent a completely new (or just rare), non-conflicting markup. The last, __fifth__ way is to give up mixed mode for the particular, problematic family of wiki engines and resort to a different [Implementation].
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
4 19-Oct-2007 00:21 1.696 kB to previous Fixed spelling
3 29-Mar-2007 10:46 1.697 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last added list of engines using mixed mode
2 17-Jan-2007 18:29 1.613 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last
1 17-Jan-2007 18:29 1.612 kB RadomirDopieralski to last what is it and how to make it possible
« This page (revision-4) was last changed on 19-Okt-2007 00:21 by