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This page (revision-3) was last changed on 12-Sep-2008 07:49 by JohnMcClure  

This page was created on 26-Feb-2007 02:49 by

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I agree that if a Wiki has such a functionality, it may be used as an alternative. At least for rare and special kind of links, like with pop-up-descriptions or window targets. However, I and I believe many are really waiting for links to become semantic, I think placing semantic web info there would soon mean: just forget that you had any old-style markup.
I think the proposal to alert developers that in future creole there may be more than one "|", which their parsers should ignore is easily done, and does not cost.
-- [[Gregor Hagedorn]]
A link spec can be extended on the front-end too. I have a link syntax for instance that precedes :: and ::= annotation operators with an xml:id value and values for the rel= and rev= attributes of the anchor tag. On the back end, I use plus-signs for global attributes (such as style) and ones pertinent to generated HTML, and I use parentheses for non-formatted author-notes.
[[.id01: rel_path | rev_path | title_path ::
URL | label +style=s1:v1;s2:v2 (comment)]]
Extensibility options ** for each syntax item in Creole ** should be documented to allow parsers to ignore unwanted positional parameters, a syntactic hazard offset by the tactic of special characters like vertical bars, colons, and plus signs. In other words, general policies about extensibility should be applicable to links and other items at the same time.
Does extensibility imply a Creole that is a "//complicated// replacement for HTML" ? Unlikely IMHO (given who's in this group) but more on point is that the inevitability of more HTML function woven into Creole should be clear enough, the questions being how much and how fast.
-- [[John McClure]]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
3 12-Sep-2008 07:49 2.294 kB JohnMcClure to previous
2 26-Feb-2007 18:46 1.139 kB to previous | to last
1 26-Feb-2007 02:49 0.582 kB to last better use macros
« This page (revision-3) was last changed on 12-Sep-2008 07:49 by JohnMcClure