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Wikis share common values, each wiki engine has it's strength and weaknesses. There are wikis for big communities, best for corporate usage depending on the it infrastructure and wikis that simple to install and therefore ideal for personal usage. Users have different roles and might use therefore different wiki engines. Because wiki engines have different markup variants it makes them hard to use in combination.

Creole is a common wiki markup language to be used across different Wikis. It's not replacing existing markup but instead enabling wiki users to transfer content seamlessly across wikis. Creole will create a community of wikis users and developers that forms Wiki Ohana. Ohana means family. This Wiki was initiated and originally set up at the Wiki Markup Standard Workshop at the Wikisym 06.

Ward Cunningham is explaining Creole at the WMS Workshop

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« This particular version was published on 25-Aug-2006 19:08 by Christoph.