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The following is a test of WikiCreole:

Top-level heading (1)#

This a test for creole 0.1 (2)#

This is a Subheading (3)#

Subsub (4)#

Subsubsub (5)

The ending equal signs should not be displayed:

Top-level heading (1) #

This a test for creole 0.1 (2) #

This is a Subheading (3) #

Subsub (4) #

Subsubsub (5)

You can make things bold or italic or both or both.

Character formatting extends across line breaks: bold, this is still bold. This line deliberately does not end in star-star.

Not bold. Character formatting does not cross paragraph boundaries.

You can use internal links or external links, give the link a different name.

Here's another sentence: This wisdom is taken from Ward Cunningham's Presentation at the Wikisym 06.

Here's a external link without a description: http://www.wikicreole.org

Free links without braces should be rendered as well, like http://www.wikicreole.org/ and http://www.wikicreole.org/users/~example.

Note: the implementation should not render foo:bar as italic! It's not enough to protect http://bar from being rendered as italic, because you can have much more protocols, for example jdbc:bar and ftp://file.

You can use this to draw a line to separate the page:

You can use lists, start it at the first column for now, please...

unnumbered lists are like

  • item a
  • item b
  • bold item c

blank space is also permitted before lists like:

  • item a
  • item b
  • item c
    • item c.a

or you can number them

  1. item 1
  2. item 2
  3. italic item 3 ## item 3.1 ## item 3.2

up to five levels

  • 1
    • 2
      • 3
        • 4
          • 5
  • You can have
multiline list items
  • this is a second multiline
list item

You can use nowiki syntax if you would like do stuff like this:

Guitar Chord C:


Note: if you look at the source code of the above, you see the escape char (tilde, ~ )
being used to escape the closing triple curly braces. This is to do nesting because
all this text is enclosed in nowiki markup.

You can also use it inline nowiki {{{ in a sentence 
like this.

Escapes #

Normal Link: http://wikicreole.org/ - now same link, but escaped: http://wikicreole.org/

Normal asterisks: **not bold**

a tilde alone: ~

a tilde escapes itself: ~xxx

Creole 0.2 #

This should be a flower with the ALT text "this is a flower" if your wiki supports ALT text on images:

here is a red flower
here is a red flower

Creole 0.4 #

Tables are done like this:

header col1header col2
you can
also align

You can format an address by simply forcing linebreaks:

My contact dates:
Pone: xyz
Fax: +45
Mobile: abc

Creole 0.5 #

Header title Another header title
//not italic text// **not bold text**
italic text bold text

Creole 1.0 #

If interwiki links are setup in your wiki, this links to the WikiCreole page about Creole 1.0 test cases: WikiCreole:Creole1.0TestCases.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
» Red_Flower.jpg 5.7 kB 1 21-Aug-2007 17:10 ChuckSmith
« This particular version was published on 21-Aug-2007 17:13 by ChuckSmith.