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I'm a software engineer living and working in Tokyo. I mostly work on contracts but sometimes have time for things that interest me... things such as Creole... which I think is wonderful... I'm currently building a WikiTool to provide Creole parser and key/text/xhtml exporter functions for wiki engines built with webkool and key. It has a document object model which allows exporting in different formats from the original Creole parsed text.

I have an experimental area to test the Creole specifications as they are developed. The password is wiki in case you want to try anything. It's a simple file based wiki so don't expect too much on the engine side of things. The look and feel is totally JSPWiki - hope nobody minds - because I don't know enough about stylesheets to make it look any good myself. (I'm planning to make my own stylesheets at some point further down the track :-)

Thanks for all the hard work that has gone into the Creole specifications so far!


Mark Wharton + 8190 9834 2559 (Japan)

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
creole.rl 33.6 kB 1 20-May-2007 15:05 MarkWharton creole.rl
makefile 0.7 kB 1 20-May-2007 15:05 MarkWharton makefile
« This particular version was published on 27-Dez-2006 07:47 by MarkWharton.