Mattis Manzel
A wiki-writer, born in '60 in Berlin
I'm a former musician (bass-player, 70ies and 80ies) and fiction-writer (90ies). I discovered wiki for myself in August '03 and deeply fell in love with it immediately. I eversince wander vast wikilandia with a sort of home on community-wiki: Mattis Manzel trying to get the one big soup groove. I started on community-wiki: multilingual experiment (test the filters at the veeery end), community-wiki: clean linking and recently on an idea called wiki-net. A wiki-node is the least I can make here. As you can tell I'm not a programmer.
skype. mattismanzel mattismanzel1
jabber: mattis_ AT jabber POENG org
irc: freenode #wikinet
mattismanzel ÄT yahoo PÜNTO de