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There is a Creole parser plugin for the MoinMoin wiki engine.

It is fully compliant with the Creole0.4 draft.


  • The expression for urls used is an approximation. In particular, commas, dots, exclamation marks and such are included in the url only when not followed by a space, so that you can write http://news.com/article/2006,09,06 as a link, but also see those two pages: http://one.org, http://two.org. Other special characters are included in the url, but escaped when appropriate.
  • #pragmas from the top of page are filtered out before the parser gets to them, so it's possible to have a numbered lists broken this way. This cannot be fixed.
  • Pre blocks use hashbang notation for denoting code type (for syntax highlighting).
  • The <<placeholder>> syntax is used for macros,
  • The {{image}} syntax is used for attachments and external images.
  • There is an option for switching between wiki-like and blog-like lines.

I'm also thinking about writing a mixed-mode parser, but this can be pretty weird.

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« This particular version was published on 10-Feb-2007 18:58 by RadomirDopieralski.