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These are the notes regarding the Creole Markup Extension for Oddmuse. This extension is currently used concurrently with some other extensions at Wiki Ohana.

The unsupported stuff first: Oddmuse doesn't know about placeholders. Creole coexists with all the other markup that the administrators happen to have installed.

Lists: A single space or tab required after the #, * or -. Oddmuse supports both * or - for bullet lists. Nested lists are allowed, but mixed lists result in invalid XHTML. The list implementation allows multiline list items and empty lines between list items without starting a new list. Mixing numbered and unnumbered lists is not possible. Appropriate ul and ol elements will be generated instead. Leading whitespace before list items will be eaten.

Bold and Italic tags can be nested within each other, and may contain links. **[[link]]** will create a bold link. In the case of nesting errors, Oddmuse will try to close as many tags as possible. **//bold and italic**//foo will therefore print foo in italic, as the second ** will close both and Plugin insertion failed: Image plugin requires the name of an image and cannot be empty.. Bold and Italic may span lines but not paragraphs. Bold sections will use the strong element instead of b, italic sections will use the em element instead of i.

Headings: == will create H2 headings. Users therefore cannot create H1 headings on a page. The page title is the only H1. A single space or tab required after the last equal sign. Headings allow nested markup and end at the first newline. They may not span lines. Therefore == [[link]] will create a link inside a heading. Trailing equal signs inside a heading will be eaten silently. Therefore == foo ==== will create a heading "foo" where as == foo != bar will create a heading "foo != bar".

Links: The alternative text for a link can span lines. Thus the following will work:

[[foo|this is
the bar]]

[[http://example.com|this is
an example]]

Oddmuse does not accept whitespace around the pipe symbol when renaming links. Thus: [[page|name]] and not [[page | name]], for all variants of links.

As for raw links: When raw links are identified in the text, some extra processing takes place: First, some punctuation characters at the end of the URL are stripped again, so that "http://example.org/?" will link to "http://example.org/" and not "http://example.org/?". Furthermore, if the URL ends in a known extension for images (.png, .jpg, etc.), an image is inlined.

Preformatted and nowiki: As suggested by Janne, three opening braces at the beginning of a line will open a pre element (monospaced + unprocessed + preformatted), whereas three opening braces elsewhere will open a code element (monospaced + unprocessed).Both preformatted and unprocessed sections may contain empty lines. For unprocessed sections, these newlines will not be shown by the browser, obviously.

In preformatted blocks, any whitespace including a single newline after the opening braces will be eaten. Otherwise, all preformatted blocks will start with a newline (the newline right after the third opening brace. In addition to that, the closing three braces also need to stand at the beginning of a line.

Images: The extension supports all combinations of internal and external links:


All transclusions are treated as images to be inlined. This is not (yet) a generalized transclusion mechanism.

Horizontal lines: Oddmuse supported all three variants, but now only supports four dashes or more, starting at the first character of a line. Followed spaces and tab characters are "eaten".

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« This particular version was published on 08-Sep-2006 22:34 by Alex Schröder.