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This behavior of the CreolePageFilter is actually wrong: Leading whitespaces should be ignored:

---- TestingTesting

 {{{ }}} ~ 

What about a simple table like this?
  • item1
    • item2
  • item3
* item4 * item5 item6

Euphoria super test

Line Ends Preserved within Paragraphs?#

Trying to see what the statement about line ends being preserved within paragraphs really means. So, typing a medium size paragraph, then will insert a line end (and extra word) without a blank line following. This paragraph is without an "internal" line end.

Trying to see what the statement about line ends being preserved within paragraphs really means. So, typing a medium size paragraph, then will insert a line end (and extra word) without a blank line following. This paragraph has an extra line end after the period in the previous sentence. Let's see if there is a difference in rendering.

Well, no difference at my current page width (at least in the preview)--on at least the preview, the line is rendered like:

following. This paragraph has an extra ...

But, on one save, it came out approximately like (approximately to imply that both lines ended near the right margin):

.............. ...following. 
This paragraph has an extra ...

Need to insert an extra word in both paragraphs and see if it makes a difference. Done: and it still doesn't look like the line end is preserved, so I guess I don't know what someone is trying to say (or is there a bug?).

List Subitem Rendering#

Now I want to see what the HTML looks like for a list with a subitem, and how deep can I nest lists.

  1. item 1
  2. item 2
    1. subitem of item 2
  3. item 3
    1. subitem of item 3
      1. 3rd level
        1. 4th level
          1. 5th level
            1. 6th level
              1. 7th level (because 6 worked)

The HTML is like a new list started within the "parent" item (new <ol> </ol>).

Heading Levels#

How deep do the heading levels nest?

Is there a way to get H1, H5, and H6?

Aside: Note that an equal sign in the text of these headings is not rendered (One equal sign=H2)--maybe it would with spaces around it? Nope, and now I see/understand more of the problem--looks like this wiki finds the first = sign in the heading and interprets it as the closing markup (that's why other equal signs are rendered at the end of the headings.

Aside: I like some of what I see in this wiki--the rendering is "clean" and fast. Would have to look harder to see if it has all the features I want, but not even sure if a wiki is still in my plans (for askRhk).

One equal sign = H2#

Two equal signs=H2#

Three equal signs=H3#

Four equal signs=H4#

Five equal signs =Six equal signs=

hello 1 2 3 4 5 6 kamikaze yoyoyo

this is bold

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
Bold in wiki engines.dat 0.2 kB 1 11-Nov-2013 05:23 unknown
» Bold in wiki engines.png 20.6 kB 1 11-Nov-2013 05:23 unknown
» prayingMantis.jpg 14.6 kB 1 17-Jan-2008 16:31 Bradman67
« This particular version was published on 16-Jul-2007 23:02 by