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I think the recommendation should say whether the text description of the URL must be all on one line or not. -- AlexSchroeder

Should creole support recognition of url's without markup as links? Example: if there is http://www.wikicreole.org it would become a link without having to put markup around it. I think it would be useful - intiuitive and less typing.


I just edited wikiohana.net an realized how hard the current order of "link first, description last" is to read in wikitext:

This Wisdom is taken from [[Ward Cunningham's]] [[http://www.c2.com/doc/wikisym/WikiSym2006.pdf|Presentation at the Wikisym 06]]
This Wisdom is taken from [[Ward Cunningham's]] [[Presentation at the Wikisym 06|http://www.c2.com/doc/wikisym/WikiSym2006.pdf]]

For people that read from left to right the last one is much better. Most or all of the western world I guess. What's the earth population percentage of people reading from right to left? I have no clue. Are the Chinese reading from right to left? hebrew does. Anyway...

What about changing this? -> from descr to [descr|link] in case left to right readers are the majority?

--Christoph 6-Sep-2006

I think we should have "nothing new" and therefore stick to the current convention.

What about whitespace around the pipe when renaming links? I think it should not be allowed. Thus: [[page|name]] and not [[page | name]], for all variants of links. What do you think?

-- AlexSchroeder

I'll accept the pipe - however, I see less clear precedent for putting the page title before the link text.

In general, 25 wikis on WikiMatrix support labeled links:

Page Title, Link Text Link Text, Page Title Both
16 8 1

Although I'll admit the bulk of the precedent (including both MediaWiki and TWiki) use the page title followed by the link text, I think this at least shows that there's a debate. (By the way, Confluence is among the wikis that give link text followed by the page title.)

Again, I tend to favor the idea of using the syntax:

 [[Text | Target Page]] 

I think it more closely imitates the intuitive thought process of a link; the text links to the page, so the target of the link is secondary information to the text of the link.

--Eric Astor

I use JSPWiki primarily at work and I tend to always want to put the link first (because I want to link to something) and then describe what it means. I also remember Janne Jalkanen saying that he would change that order if he had the chance now and at the time he was just blindly following PhpWiki syntax. In any case, twice as many engines use PageTitle, then Description, including MediaWiki, so I still think we should stick to this order. Also, if for some reason you cut and paste in HTML, you can just ditch the extra stuff around it to make the link instead of also having to also change the order in the wiki syntax.

--Chuck Smith

I'm also used to do [ url | text ] . Maybe it's a habit from html, or from the wiki engines I use most. Anyways, if you don't want to break your train of thought, the put the link text only, and then insert the links when you finish the article. I found this way the most comfortable. Or just use local names. -- RadomirDopieralski, 2006-09-07

I also lik the desription first notation, because it's much easier to read and understand. You first get what it's about and then the technical details (url/page/etc.). I also what to submit another syntax based on this. Please use the symbol greater then (>) instead of the pipe. First because it makes the order clearer.

[[this description is linked to>this page]]
Second because it is easier to use links with description in tables (if supported) without having to escape the pipe, as it is necessary in some engines. I think it could also be easier to implement then.
|a table |with [[a link>to a page]] |and other |cells
It's also easier to read then.

-- JörgGottschling, 2006-16-06

I'm against the introduction of such new markup.

I also think that the wording "Links should not be allowed to contain a linebreak" should be changed. What's the benefit of not allowing it? I see a benefit in not requiring this feature, but forbidding this features is useless crippling. I'm not planning on removing this features from my implementation, for example.

-- AlexSchroeder

Linebreak restriction removed from Creole 0.3.

--Chuck Smith

The spec should do the difference between an implicit and an explicit link instead of an internal and external one.

An implicit link is a fully compliant URI in the text as defined by RFC3986 - no non-RFC3986 schemes allowed. The URI must be complete - no relative-ref (see Appendix A of the RFC).

Example: By going to http://www.wikicreole.org, you will see[...]

(Should Creole eliminate explicit links altogether?)

An explicit link is made of a destination and an optional description (or the other way around?) enclosed between two square brackets. These two parts are separated by a pipe character.

The destination (target) can be the title of a page, an InterWiki link (InterWiki standardization effort), or a fully RFC3986-compliant URI-reference.

The description part in a link could mean different things depending on the order:

  • [[Hyperlinked Text|Target]] i.e. Hyperlink Text
  • [[Target|Alternate Text]] i.e. <a href="Target" alt="Alternate Text">Target</a>

In my experience, the former would work pretty well with external links and the latter with internal ones.

So, my suggestion is this:

[[Hyperlinked Text|Target|Alternate Text]]
with the text and alternate text part optional. If there is a possible ambiguity, resolve it as [[Text|Target]]. Ex.:

1. I have one existing wiki page called Foo.
   [[Foo|Bar]] would generate <a href="Foo" alt="Bar">Foo</a>

2. I have one existing wiki page called Bar.
   [[Foo|Bar]] would generate <a href="Bar">Foo</a>

3. I have two existing wiki pages: Foo and Bar.
   [[Foo|Bar]] would generate <a href="Bar">Foo</a>

Note: The rendering could be completely different depending on the implementation. Alternate text could be presented like hyperlinked text if none is present...

In the first example, a problem arises when someone creates a page called "Bar" afterward... The rendering will change for the one in example 3.

Also, how would I say in Creole something like: <a href="Foo" alt="Bar">Foo</a> if I have two existing wiki pages : Foo and Bar. The easiest solution is to write empty parts: [[|Foo|Bar]]. Another possible solution is to "escape" one part or the other with quotes ("") - or another markup - to explicitly define the text or alt text (don't like that one).

Finally, with the special syntax of InterWiki links and URIs, there should not be any ambiguity, only possible misleading from potentially mischievious users. Ex.:


Just thinking aloud... Any ideas? Do I make sense?

-- EricChartre, 2007-01-01

Oh! and BTW, if the URI are compliant to RFC3986, and internal/InterWiki links do not contain spaces, it would be possible to use a space as a delimiter instead of a pipe.

If a target does contain spaces, it must be enclosed between quotes.

-- EricChartre, 2007-01-01

Should Creole accept IRIs (RFC3987) instead of URIs?

-- EricChartre, 2007-01-01

I don't want to bring you down, but:

-- RadomirDopieralski, 2006-01-02

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« This particular version was published on 02-Jan-2007 16:34 by RadomirDopieralski.