Seems that the Alexa column is not sorted properly? -- RadomirDopieralski
Yah; it's because it contains non-numbers, so it gets sorted as a set of strings, not as a set of numbers... -- JanneJalkanen
I turned all the Alexa ranks into numbers, even if that means it turns into non-sensical data and moved the star warning that the data is not accurate to the wiki engine column. -- ChuckSmith
Is someone regularly updating this page? Wikkawiki is not included in the list. There are currently 880000 Google Results for Wikka (please note Wikka is often referred to as Wikka Wiki—two distinct words—hence the query I used to calculate these results: +wikka +wiki) and the domain has an Alexa traffic rank of 109,930. If no one is actively mantaining this table, I'll go on and add this entry myself -- DarioTaraborelli
Go ahead. But I think it would be fair to also update other entries then -- their ranks might have changed. -- RadomirDopieralski
I'm not sure what is listed in this table under "Google Rank"? Initially I thought it's the number of page hits for a string unique for given engine (like "MoinMoin Powered" in case of MoinMoin), but I just made some searches and the results are much lower -- I don't think they decreased so much since their collecting.
Then I thought it's just the number of page hits when just searching for the name of the wiki engine -- but again not, for example there are 144,000,000 hits for MediaWiki, while the table shows over twice this value.
Then I've gone to and dicovered, that there is no way to know the rank without a key. So there is no way to update or even verify the results.
-- RadomirDopieralski, 2007-02-14
I just went to Google and typed the name of the search engine plus the word "wiki" without any quotes. Maybe not the most scientific method, but it gives you a pretty good idea of how popular wiki engines are. In the new table, did you also compare the Google results with the other wikis from WikiMatrix, because some of those are probably more popular than those in the current list?
-- ChuckSmith, 2007-Feb-20