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This page (revision-67) was last changed on 25-Feb-2013 09:27 by ChristophSauer  

This page was created on 02-May-2007 18:10 by ChristophSauer

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At line 108 changed one line
Bold, italics, links, nowiki can be used in list items, but they cannot span several list items. Whitespace is optional before and after the * or # characters, however a space is required afterwards if someone wishes to start a list element with bold text. A list element ends at the end of a line, although it can contain line breaks forced with {{{\\}}}. It is recommended to have support for a depth of at least five levels of nesting. Any line that does not start with a {{{*}}} or {{{#}}} (optionally preceded with some whitespace) ends the list.
Bold, italics, links, nowiki can be used in list items, but they cannot span several list items. Whitespace is optional before and after the * or # characters, however a space is required afterwards if the list element starts with bold text. A list element ends at the end of a line, although it can contain line breaks forced with {{{\\}}}. It is recommended to have support for a depth of at least five levels of nesting. Any line that does not start with a {{{*}}} or {{{#}}} (optionally preceded with some whitespace) ends the list.
At line 138 changed one line
**Reasoning:** A large majority of wiki engines use an asterisk ({{{*}}}) to denote bullet lists. The multiple asterisk approach for sublists was the first wiki syntax for sublists. Users do not need to count leading spaces like in markups where a sublist level is determined by the number of its leading spaces. [[Lists Reasoning|More details]]
**Reasoning:** A large majority of wiki engines use an asterisk ({{{*}}}) to denote bullet lists. The multiple asterisk approach for sublists was the first wiki syntax for sublists. Users do not need to count leading spaces like in markups where a sublist level is determined by the number of its leading spaces. Optional leading spaces can be used to make the Creole markup clearer if the author wishes so. [[Lists Reasoning|More details]]
At line 170 changed one line
Only three different sized levels of headings are required. Closing (right-side) equal signs are optional, don't need to be balanced and don't impact the kind of heading generated. Whitespace is not allowed before the left-side equal signs. Only whitespace characters are permitted after the closing equal signs. No markup has to be parsed within headings.
Only three different sized levels of headings are required. Closing (right-side) equal signs are optional, don't need to be balanced and don't impact the kind of heading generated. Whitespace is not allowed before the left-side equal signs. Only whitespace characters are permitted after the closing equal signs. Markup parsing is optional within headings.
At line 318 changed one line
This works inline or as a block. __No wiki markup is interpreted between these characters.__ As a block, the three curly braces should be on one line by itself to open and another line of three curly braces should be on a line by itself to close. In a block, characters are displayed in monospace. For inline nowiki text, wiki implementers can decide whether to display this text regularly or in monospace.
This works inline or as a block. **No wiki markup is interpreted between these characters**, even tildes which are used as escape characters elsewhere (see below). As a block, the three curly braces should be on one line by itself to open and another line of three curly braces should be on a line by itself to close, without leading spaces. In a block, characters are displayed in monospace. For inline nowiki text, wiki implementers can decide whether to display this text regularly or in monospace.
At line 320 removed 2 lines
**Note:** if you need a more general purpose escape character, please see [[Additions]].
At line 366 added 2 lines
//**Note: why are leading spaces permitted here? [[YvesPiguet]]//
At line 380 changed one line
All cells are separated by single pipes. The ending pipe is optional. You can embed links, bold, italics, line breaks, and nowiki in table cells. Equal sign directly following pipe defines a header. Headers can be arranged horizontally or vertically. Comparison details found on [List Of Table Markups]
All cells are separated by single pipes. No leading space is permitted before the first cell of a row. The ending pipe is optional. You can embed links, bold, italics, line breaks, and nowiki in table cells. Equal sign directly following pipe defines a header. Headers can be arranged horizontally or vertically. Comparison details found on [List Of Table Markups]
At line 423 changed one line
**Reasoning:** This is the only new markup introduced in Creole. This was mainly developed due to MediaWiki's extensive use of special characters making it practically impossible to implement Mixed Creole mode. Few wikis use angle brackets ({{{<<<>>>}}}) for markup. This markup is generated by the wiki engine rather then typed in by the user, therefore we use three instead of two markup characters to reserve the markup with two angle brackets for extension elements that are typed in by users. [[Placeholder Reasoning|More details]].
**Reasoning:** This was mainly developed due to MediaWiki's extensive use of special characters making it practically impossible to implement Mixed Creole mode. Few wikis use angle brackets ({{{<<<>>>}}}) for markup. This markup is generated by the wiki engine rather then typed in by the user, therefore we use three instead of two markup characters to reserve the markup with two angle brackets for extension elements that are typed in by users. [[Placeholder Reasoning|More details]].
At line 427 changed one line
The escape character only escapes the character immediately following it.
Outside nowiki and preformatted, the escape character only escapes the character immediately following it, provided that it is not a letter (a-z or A-Z), a digit (0-9), or a blank (space or line feed).
At line 429 removed 10 lines
=== In a URL ===
Tildes within URLs should not be escaped.
=== Before ~CamelCase ===
At line 453 changed one line
Escape characters only trigger if it is used before a Creole character which would otherwise format the text. For example, if you use "tilde + equal sign as first characters in a line" it will escape the equal sign and display it as such because it would otherwise be rendered as heading.
**Reasoning:** If one needs keyboard characters often in a text, there would be too many distracting triple curly braces to be able to work with the text well. Therefore an escape character would help to keep people from being so distracted by the nowiki inline and escape character could be used instead. The tilde was chosen, so it would not conflict with the backslashes in line breaks and because it is a relatively infrequently used character. It is not generally easy to type, but it will also not need to be used often, so in this sense it is also suitable. This way, stars, slashes and other markup characters, when found in the original text, can be easily escaped to be rendered as themselves. [[Escape Character Reasoning|Reasoning]]
At line 455 removed 65 lines
~=Line starting with equal sign, this displays a normal tilde: ~
~=~=~= Line starting with three equal signs
If an escape character is only used in certain combinations we have a minimum of collisions with existing markup. For example if an wiki uses tilde as normal markup, it would not collide with e.g.
~=This is a heading
~this is subscript in certain wikis~
~~=This is a sentence with a tilde and an equal sign at the beginning... (tilde escapes itself)
Here is a complete list that would cause the escape character (e.g. tilde) to trigger escaping of the following character combinations. This can be extended as need be. Note also that an escape character can be escaped by putting a space or a tilde after it.
Escapes Markup Example:
============== ========
Bold ~*~*
Italics ~/~/
Unordered Lists ~-
Ordered Lists ~#
Headings ~=
Links Open ~[~[
Inside Links [[A pipe ~| is used within links]]
Links Close ~]~]
Line Breaks ~\~\
Horizontal Line ~-~-~-~-
Image Open ~{~{
Image Close ~}~}
Table Open ~| this is | not a table
Inside Tables | x~|y |
Escaping Escape ~~
Escaping Escape ~<space>
Nowiki Open ~{~{~{
Nowiki Close ~}~}~}
So, for example, this markup:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if argc>0 {
if argc<=1 {
will produce this result:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if argc>0 {
if argc<=1 {
**Reasoning:** If one needs keyboard characters often in a text, there would be too many distracting triple curly braces to be able to work with the text well. Therefore an escape character would help to keep people from being so distracted by the nowiki inline and escape character could be used instead. The tilde was chosen, so it would not conflict with the backslashes in line breaks and because it is a relatively infrequently used character. It is not generally easy to type, but it will also not need to be used often, so in this sense it is also suitable. In order to allow spaces in front of lists, which is a quite common practice in wiki engines, it should be a escape character other than space. This way, stars, slashes and other markup characters, when found in the original text, can be easily escaped to be rendered as themselves. [[Escape Character Reasoning|Reasoning]]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
67 25-Feb-2013 09:27 18.19 kB ChristophSauer to previous
66 25-Feb-2013 09:26 18.222 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
65 25-Feb-2013 09:25 18.225 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
64 25-Feb-2013 09:20 18.2 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
63 25-Feb-2013 09:19 17.959 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
62 25-Feb-2013 09:18 17.961 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
61 25-Feb-2013 09:17 17.884 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
« This page (revision-67) was last changed on 25-Feb-2013 09:27 by ChristophSauer