Michele Tomaiuolo released a Creole extension for the PEAR Text_Wiki package
. You can see it in action
Apart from all the elements defined in Creole 1.0, it experimentally supports:
- Quotation
- start lines with ">" (e-mail style); remarks/comments start with ":"
- Address or Signature
- See http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/global.html#h-7.5.6
- start a line with two dashes
- Superscript
- ordinals as 1st, 1ère etc are also automatically superscripted
- Subscript
- enclose in ",,"
- Underlined
- enclose in "__"
- Hyphen List Markup Proposal
- items starting with a number require a space after the hyphen
- Footnote
- enclose a number in square brackets, then start a line with the same sequence
- Email-style emphasis
- use a single char ("/", "*", "_") for emphasis
- Image inlining
- automatic inlining of images when links end with .jpg etc.
It also has a full renderer, to convert documents from other wiki syntaxes to Creole.
Text_Wiki is used by Yawiki
, but it can be easily integrated into other php software. For example, it has been used to create a Drupal filter
Note. Single newlines can be handled as in most wikis (ignored - default) or as in word-processors (meaning a paragraph break).
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