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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
wikicreole1.txt 17.5 kB 1 12-Dec-2009 08:59 ChristophSauer

This page (revision-67) was last changed on 25-Feb-2013 09:27 by ChristophSauer  

This page was created on 02-May-2007 18:10 by ChristophSauer

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Difference between version and

At line 1 changed one line
This is the proposed v1.0 spec of Creole (2007-May-09), under discussion until 2007-Jun-13. Also see [[Roadmap to Creole 1.0]], [[Creole 1.0 Poll]] and [[reasoning]] for more information. Note that [[Creole 0.7]] was rejected.
<<ALLOW edit Editor, Admin>>
<<ALLOW view All>>
At line 4 added 22 lines
[[wikicreole1.txt|Sourcecode of this page]]
[{TableOfContents title='Overview'}]
* [[http://science.webhostinggeeks.com/creole-10|Serbo-Croatian]], translated by Anja Skrba
If you would like to add a translation, contact [[Christoph Sauer]], he will put your link up here.
** Open Wiki Discussions**
The Creole 1.0 project has been successfully finished. Therefore we decided to close down this wiki for editing. If you want to contribute to the next version of creole you can use the new creole wiki at [[http://wiki.wikicreole.org/]].
* [[http://wiki.wikicreole.org/Creole%201.0|Creole 1.0]]
* [[http://wiki.wikicreole.org/Creole%202.0|Creole 2.0]]
This is the final v1.0 spec of Creole (2007-Jul-04) which will be frozen for two years. Also see [[Roadmap to Creole 1.0]], [[Creole 1.0 Poll]] and [[reasoning]] for more information. You can use the [[Creole 1.0 Test Cases]] to check the compliance of your engine implementation.
At line 10 removed one line
* removed escaping closing nowiki triple curly brackets because this is now covered by the escape character
At line 13 removed 2 lines
[{TableOfContents title='Overview'}]
At line 109 removed 61 lines
== Lists
Bold, italics, links, nowiki can be used in list items, but they cannot span several list items. Whitespace is optional before and after the * or # characters, however a space is required afterwards if the list element starts with bold text. A list element ends at the end of a line, although it can contain line breaks forced with {{{\\}}}. It is recommended to have support for a depth of at least five levels of nesting. Any line that does not start with a {{{*}}} or {{{#}}} (optionally preceded with some whitespace) ends the list.
**About unordered lists and bold:** a line starting with {{{**}}} (including optional whitespace before and afterwards), immediately following any list element on a line above, will be treated as a nested unordered list element. Otherwise it will be treated as the beginning of bold text. Also note that bold and/or italics cannot span lines in a list.
=== Unordered Lists
* Item 1
** Item 1.1
* Item 2
Recommended XHTML:
<li>Item 1
<li>Item 1.1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
Sample Output:
* Item 1
** Item 1.1
* Item 2
**Rationale:** A large majority of wiki engines use an asterisk ({{{*}}}) to denote bullet lists. The multiple asterisk approach for sublists was the first wiki syntax for sublists. Users do not need to count leading spaces like in markups where a sublist level is determined by the number of its leading spaces. Optional leading spaces can be used to make the Creole markup clearer if the author wishes so. [[Lists Reasoning|More details]]
=== Ordered Lists
# Item 1
## Item 1.1
# Item 2
Recommended XHTML:
<li>Item 1
<li>Item 1.1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
Sample Output:
# Item 1
## Item 1.1
# Item 2
**Rationale: ** The number sign ({{{#}}}) is used for ordered lists in most wikis. [[Lists Reasoning|More details]]
At line 176 changed one line
= Level 1 (largest) =
== Level 1 (largest) =
At line 251 added 13 lines
**Rationale: ** __blog-style vs. wiki-style__\\
There was a [long discussion|Talk.Change Linebreak Markup Proposal] whether to use blog-style or wiki-style (legacy-style) line breaks. We decided to change the original blog-style line break recommendation (treat linebreaks as line breaks) from [Creole 0.3] to the wiki-style linebreaks recommendation. Wikis __must__ support forced line break syntax {{{ \\ }}}.
We encourage engine developers that have already implemented the Creole 0.3 style (blog-style) line breaks not to throw away their implementation, but to add an option so that administrators can choose in which mode to run their installation. This way we hope to gain more experience with blog-style line breaks. In a blog-style line break mode, the forced line break syntax must be supported, so that line breaks will properly migrate when people copy text from a wiki with forced line break characters. [[Paragraphs and Line Breaks Reasoning|More details]]
== Lists
List items begin with a {{{*}}} or a {{{#}}} at the beginning of a line. Whitespace is optional before and after the {{{*}}} or {{{#}}} characters, however a space is required afterwards if the list element starts with bold text. A list item ends at the line which begins with a {{{*}}} or {{{#}}} character (next item or sublist), blank line, heading, table, or nowiki block; like paragraphs, it can span multiple lines and contain line breaks forced with {{{\\}}}. It is recommended to have support for a depth of at least five levels of nesting. Bold, italics, links, and nowiki can be used in list items, but they cannot span several list items.
**About unordered lists and bold:** a line starting with {{{**}}} (including optional whitespace before and afterwards), immediately following any list element on a line above, will be treated as a nested unordered list element. Otherwise it will be treated as the beginning of bold text.
=== Unordered Lists
At line 294 changed 2 lines
* This is a single list item
followed by a paragraph?
* Item 1
** Item 1.1
* Item 2
At line 301 changed one line
<li>This is a single list item</li>
<li>Item 1
<li>Item 1.1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
At line 303 removed 3 lines
followed by a paragraph
At line 284 added 3 lines
* Item 1
** Item 1.1
* Item 2
At line 310 changed 2 lines
* This is a single list item
followed by a paragraph
**Rationale:** A large majority of wiki engines use an asterisk ({{{*}}}) to denote bullet lists. The multiple asterisk approach for sublists was the first wiki syntax for sublists. Users do not need to count leading spaces like in markups where a sublist level is determined by the number of its leading spaces. Optional leading spaces can be used to make the Creole markup clearer if the author wishes so. [[Lists Reasoning|More details]]
At line 313 changed 2 lines
**Rationale: ** __blog-style vs. wiki-style__\\
There was a [long discussion|Talk.Change Linebreak Markup Proposal] whether to use blog-style or wiki-style (legacy-style) line breaks. We decided to change the original blog-style line break recommendation (treat linebreaks as line breaks) from [Creole 0.3] to the wiki-style linebreaks recommendation. Wikis __must__ support forced line break syntax {{{ \\ }}}.
=== Ordered Lists
At line 316 changed one line
We encourage engine developers that have already implemented the Creole 0.3 style (blog-style) line breaks not to throw away their implementation, but to add an option so that administrators can choose in which mode to run their installation. This way we hope to gain more experience with blog-style line breaks. In a blog-style line break mode, the forced line break syntax must be supported, so that line breaks will properly migrate when people copy text from a wiki with forced line break characters. [[Paragraphs and Line Breaks Reasoning|More details]]
# Item 1
## Item 1.1
# Item 2
At line 299 added 19 lines
Recommended XHTML:
<li>Item 1
<li>Item 1.1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
Sample Output:
# Item 1
## Item 1.1
# Item 2
**Rationale: ** The number sign ({{{#}}}) is used for ordered lists in most wikis. [[Lists Reasoning|More details]]
At line 335 changed one line
{{{ <img src="myimage.png" alt="this is my image"/> }}}
{{{ <img src="myimage.png" alt="this is my image" /> }}}
At line 359 changed one line
<td>Two lines\\in Cell 1.2</td>
<td>Two lines<br />in Cell 1.2</td>
At line 418 removed 2 lines
//**Note: the Creole markup used for the code sample below must be correct, but it isn't rendered correctly yet by the Wikicreole engine. [[YvesPiguet]]//
At line 421 changed 2 lines
Inline nowiki with closing braces: {{{if (a>b) { b = a; }}}}.
Inline nowiki with closing braces: {{{{{if (a>b) { b = a; ~}}}}}}.
At line 430 changed 2 lines
At line 438 changed one line
Outside nowiki, preformatted, and URL, the escape character only escapes the character immediately following it, provided that it is not a blank (space or line feed). The following character is rendered as is and cannot be a part of any Creole markup.
The escape character is the tilde (~~). Outside nowiki, preformatted, and URL, the escape character only escapes the character immediately following it, provided that it is not a blank (space or line feed). The following character is rendered as is and cannot be a part of any Creole markup.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
67 25-Feb-2013 09:27 18.19 kB ChristophSauer to previous
66 25-Feb-2013 09:26 18.222 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
65 25-Feb-2013 09:25 18.225 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
64 25-Feb-2013 09:20 18.2 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
63 25-Feb-2013 09:19 17.959 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
62 25-Feb-2013 09:18 17.961 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
61 25-Feb-2013 09:17 17.884 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last
« This page (revision-67) was last changed on 25-Feb-2013 09:27 by ChristophSauer