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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
Bold in wiki engines.dat 0.2 kB 1 11-Nov-2013 05:23 unknown
» Bold in wiki engines.png 20.6 kB 1 11-Nov-2013 05:23 unknown
» prayingMantis.jpg 14.6 kB 1 17-Jan-2008 16:31 Bradman67

This page (revision-279) was last changed on 30-Sep-2008 19:37 by  

This page was created on 03-Apr-2007 19:34 by ChristophSauer

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At line 1 changed 5 lines
= Top-level heading (1)
== This a test for creole 0.1 (2)
=== This is a Subheading (3)
==== Subsub (4)
===== Subsubsub (5)
===Please note that this wiki is **not** a reference implementation of Creole.
At line 7 changed 2 lines
**test : <p> paragraph insertion**
At line 10 changed one line
"Hard wrapping software should not be used to author wiki markup, because it can put characters in text as a first character in a line.\\
Those character then get special meaning in the wiki markup, although the author did not intend it." List start here:
* item1
* item2
List ends here.\\
Second Line.
At line 12 changed one line
---- hehe2
New paragraph.
At line 17 added 61 lines
hello world
** salam.
** Welcome to the //Jungle//, we've got fun and //games//... **
===Heading 1===
** some bold **
That's not an h1 up there...
= This is a Heading 1
= another h1 ==== and this?
and below we have a sub heading...
== Sub Heading (h2)
That should do for now.
|jhksjdhfsk dkjs dfsdkj sdjk |
[[]]== bold and italics{{}}
** some bold // and italic // text ** not
// some italic ** and bold ** text // not
** some bold // and italic ** text //not
This is a pic
|= Animal |= Image |
|Praying mantis|{{prayingMantis.jpg}}|
|= Recumbent Banana |http://chidiet.com/images3/banana1.jpg |
==This is a heading 1
===This is heading 2
====This is heading 3
*Bullet 1
*Bullet 2
*Bullet 3
##Item 1
##Item 2
##Item 3
This is normal. //This is Italic.// **This is Bold.**
==This is large heading
===This is medium heading
* item 1
* item 2
# item a
# item b
** item 3
## item c
At line 16 changed one line
The ending equal signs should not be displayed:
# MyTry
## MyTry222
# sdasldfs
~~lkjfl lkjfasdf lflasdf
[[head|head a|head2|
| |tryrt| |
|sdfasd|dfasd| |
|head|head a|head2|
| |tryrt| |
|sdfasd|dfasd| |
At line 18 removed 5 lines
= Top-level heading (1) =
== This a test for creole 0.1 (2) ==
=== This is a Subheading (3) ===
==== Subsub (4) ====
===== Subsubsub (5) =====
At line 94 added one line
[[test spam|http://www.golden-day.com/guohe/]]
At line 25 changed one line
You can make things **bold** or //italic// or **//both//**.
normal text
===heading 2
At line 27 changed 2 lines
Character formatting extends across line breaks: **bold,
this is still bold. This line deliberately does not end in star-star.
At line 30 changed one line
Not bold. Character formatting does not cross paragraph boundaries.
At line 32 changed 2 lines
You can use [[InternalLinks]] or [[http://www.wikicreole.org|external Links]],
give the link a [[InternalLinks| different]] name.
At line 35 changed 2 lines
Here's another sentence: This Wisdom is taken from [[Ward Cunninghams]]
[[http://www.c2.com/doc/wikisym/WikiSym2006.pdf|Presentation at the Wikisym 06]].
# One
# Two
# Three
At line 38 changed one line
Here's a external link without a description: [[http://www.wikicreole.org]]
# One
# Two
# Three
At line 40 changed one line
Free links without braces should be rendered as well, like http://www.wikicreole.org/.
|**over two lines?//|
At line 42 changed 3 lines
Note: the implementation should not render foo://bar as italic! It's not enough to
protect http://bar from being rendered as italic, because you can have much more
protocols, for example jdbc://bar.
At line 46 changed one line
You can use this to draw a line to separate the page:
==Bold Tests
An ***odd-balanced*** example.
An ***odd-unbalanced-open** example.
An **odd-unbalanced-close*** example.
An ****even-balanced**** example.
An ****even-unbalanced-open** example.
An **even-unbalanced-close**** example.
A **bold text\\
line span closed** example.
A **bold text\\
line span unclosed example
==Link Tests
An internal link to this page [[Sandbox|WikiCreole:Sandbox]].
An example with [[too many open and close|[http://www.example.com]]] characters.
**This is bold text**
This is text
At line 154 added one line
**bold** and still ** bold **
At line 49 changed one line
You can format an address by simply forcing linebreaks:
==List Tests
At line 51 changed 4 lines
My contact dates:\\
Pone: xyz\\
Fax: +45\\
Mobile: abc
===Mixed List Types
# ordered first
## ordered second
** unordered second
## ordered second
At line 56 changed one line
You can use lists, start it at the first column for now, please...
===Mixed List Levels
# first level
## second level
### third level
## second level
## second level
# first level
At line 58 changed 4 lines
unnumbered lists are like
* ite//m a
* item b
* **bold item c**
===List Item Escaping
# first
## second
~## escaped
At line 63 changed 4 lines
or you can number them
# [[item a]]
# item b
# // italic item c //
### third level item without defined parent lists
At line 68 changed 6 lines
up to five levels
* 1
** 2
*** 3
**** 4
***** 5
At line 75 changed 4 lines
* You can have
multiline list items
* this is a second multiline
list item
~ 1 (expecting 1 - lone tilde)\\
~~ 2 (expecting 1 - escapes a tilde)\\
~~~ 3 (expecting 1 - escapes second tilde and semi-escapes space)\\
~~~~ 4 (expecting 2 - escapes 2nd tilde and 4th tilde)\\
At line 80 changed one line
You can use nowiki syntax if you would like do stuff like this:
This has a ~tilde which should show up.\\
This has a lone ~ tilde which should show up.\\
This has a tilde before the ~// which shouldn't show up.\\
This has a tilde inside a URL so it should show up as part of the URL. http://somewhere.com/~tilde.\\
This has a tilde to escape the link ~[[tilde]].\\
This has two ~~ tildes which should show up as only one.\\
This has a tilde before~ a space so shouldn't show up nor escape that space.\\
This has a tilde at the end of (broken) line~\\ so it should escape that markup.\\
This has a tilde at the end of line so shouldn't show up nor escape that EOL.~
At line 82 removed 2 lines
Guitar Chord C:
At line 85 changed 5 lines
nowiki test: fdgofgenlofgten
At line 92 changed 3 lines
Note: if you look at the source code of the above, you see the escape char (tilde, ~ )
being used to escape the closing triple curly braces. This is to do nesting because
all this text is enclosed in nowiki markup.
* list item one
** sub item
* list item two according to the spec, this should be a new list item at the same level as list item one
and this should still be part of list item two
At line 96 changed one line
You can also use it inline nowiki {{{ in a sentence }}} like this.
At line 98 changed one line
Tables are done like this:
At line 100 changed 6 lines
||header col1||header col2
|you |can
|also |align it.
!!! Escapes
Normal Link: http://wikicreole.org/ - now same link, but escaped: ~http://wikicreole.org/
|ho| | w|is|the
|jhksjdhfsk dkjs|=dfsdkj|sdjk|dfsdf|dfsdf|dsfsdf
At line 107 changed one line
Normal asterisks: ~**not bold~**
This is a basic paragraph followed by a table.
At line 109 changed one line
a tilde alone: ~
and more text after that. Interesting that no p tag gets put after the table.
There needs to be a separate line.
At line 111 changed one line
a tilde escapes itself: ~~xxx
# first item
At line 231 added 18 lines
# second item
# third item
## third dot one
## dot two
### dot what?
# in middle
## third what?
# forth item
At line 250 added 7 lines
=This should be level 1=
==This should be level 2==
more text
===This should be level 3===
last text
At line 259 added one line
[[Link's Quote]]
At line 262 added 2 lines
At line 265 added one line
Is this a [link] or not?
At line 267 added one line
Test of numered headings:
At line 122 changed one line
#= level 1 (number 1)
##== level 2 (number (1.1)
##== more level 2 (number 1.2)
#= another level 1 (number 2)
##== level 2 (number 2.1)
###=== level 3 (number (2.1.1)
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
279 30-Sep-2008 19:37 5.073 kB to previous
278 24-Sep-2008 07:50 5.008 kB to previous | to last
277 24-Sep-2008 07:49 5.007 kB to previous | to last
276 22-Sep-2008 19:56 4.982 kB to previous | to last
275 22-Sep-2008 19:54 4.978 kB to previous | to last
274 22-Sep-2008 19:49 4.973 kB to previous | to last
273 16-Sep-2008 13:07 4.963 kB spir to previous | to last
272 16-Sep-2008 13:06 4.961 kB spir to previous | to last
271 16-Sep-2008 12:42 4.958 kB spir to previous | to last
270 16-Sep-2008 12:35 4.902 kB spir to previous | to last
269 16-Sep-2008 12:34 5.083 kB spir to previous | to last
268 09-Sep-2008 18:01 4.564 kB to previous | to last
267 30-Aug-2008 06:33 4.526 kB to previous | to last
266 29-Aug-2008 13:08 5.012 kB to previous | to last made warning bigger
265 28-Aug-2008 19:48 5.009 kB spir to previous | to last
264 28-Aug-2008 19:46 5.012 kB spir to previous | to last
263 22-Aug-2008 02:55 4.995 kB to previous | to last
262 22-Aug-2008 02:52 4.945 kB to previous | to last
261 19-Aug-2008 06:51 4.93 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-279) was last changed on 30-Sep-2008 19:37 by