At line 11 changed 3 lines |
= personal position |
I'm rather looking for a basically better wiki markup language, than for one compatible with the present markups. So that principles such as |
= personal position rather looking for a basically better wiki markup language, than for one compatible with the present markups. So that principles such as |
At line 142 changed one line |
styled_text : distinct_text | important_text | litteral_text | monospace_text |
styled_text : distinct_text | highlight_text | litteral_text | monospace_text |
At line 144 changed one line |
important_text : **plain_text** |
highlight_text : **plain_text** |
At line 155 changed one line |
important : ** (conflict with bullet list) |
highlight : ** (conflict with bullet list) |
At line 177 changed one line |
* the focus on the most important features |
* the focus on the most highlight features |
At line 189 changed one line |
* "distinct" (example, quotation, remark, advice) & "important" segments parallel to "distinct" (italic) & "important" (bold) segments |
* "distinct" (example, quotation, remark, advice) & "highlight" segments parallel to "distinct" (italic) & "highlight" (bold) segments |
At line 194 added 48 lines |
= tags : choosing the right character for the right use |
Below all non-control non-letter non-digit 7-bit-ASCII characters/keys. We should stick to these, as other characters may be problematic with non-english keyboards like mine ;-) : |
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ NL SP TAB |
== character <--> use matching table |
|= feature |= characters |= best\\tag |= best\\use |= example |= note ] |
|= style | | | | | | |
| highlight | * ! | ! | | | | |
| distinct | / | / | / | | | |
| monospace | # = | = | | | | |
| litteral/escape | { \ = | | | | | |
|= link/pointer | | | | | | |
| to page | [[]] | | | | | |
| to anchor/target | # @ | @ | | [[page@target]] | |
| anchor/target | ## @@ | @@ | | | @@target@@ | | |
|= layout | | | | | | |
| title+subtitle | =: !: += | | | | | |
| bullet list item | . * | . | | | | |
| number list item | # ? | | | | | |
| definition | ;: ?: | ?: | | | | |
| table cell | {{{|}}} | {{{|}}} | | | | |
| table head | {{{|=}}} | {{{|?}}} | | | | |
|= blocks | | | | | | |
| imported | () | | | | (image address) | |
| generated | {} | | | | {toc} | |
| (x)html | <<>> | | | | <<span class="abstract">> | |
| code | | | | | | |
|= other elements | | | | | | |
| parameter | {{{|}}} | | | | | |
| variable | % ? | | | | | |
| new alinea | NLNL NL ยง {{{\\\}}} | | | | | |
| alinea break | {{{\\}}} | | | | | |
| scissor/glue | {{{\\}}} __ | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
= using words : *pro* internationalisation |
= newline / paragraph : the big problem ! |