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This page (revision-19) was last changed on 21-Apr-2007 13:23 by  

This page was created on 02-Mar-2007 15:53 by

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At line 82 changed one line
Most wiki engines (the NowikiMarkupComparison is not finished yet, I have no free time recently) use exactly this syntax, and I don't remember **anyone** complaining, even on higly C- and Java-centered wikis. The truth is that most any language that uses braces to markup blocks also ignores whitespace, so it's very easy to prevent the {{{~}}}}}} from interfering. In addition, the non-indented braces are only likely at the end of pasted code, so it's easy to space-stuff them.
Most wiki engines (the NoWikiMarkupComparison is not finished yet, I have no free time recently) use exactly this syntax, and I don't remember **anyone** complaining, even on higly C- and Java-centered wikis. The truth is that most any language that uses braces to markup blocks also ignores whitespace, so it's very easy to prevent the {{{~}}}}}} from interfering. In addition, the non-indented braces are only likely at the end of pasted code, so it's easy to space-stuff them.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
19 21-Apr-2007 13:23 8.723 kB to previous my results
18 21-Apr-2007 13:22 8.722 kB to previous | to last my results
17 21-Apr-2007 13:22 8.722 kB to previous | to last my results
16 21-Apr-2007 09:28 7.707 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Still 200 for me
15 21-Apr-2007 06:57 7.074 kB to previous | to last
14 21-Apr-2007 06:29 6.82 kB to previous | to last I still think triple braces is the wrong choice
13 20-Apr-2007 09:18 5.66 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Google finds 200 triple-brace matches
12 20-Apr-2007 09:13 5.659 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Make recommended XHTML and sample output of italic agree
11 20-Apr-2007 07:59 4.996 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last
10 20-Apr-2007 06:26 5.021 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last
9 20-Apr-2007 04:14 4.076 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last }}} con
8 08-Mar-2007 17:10 3.802 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last monospace is bad for emphasis
7 08-Mar-2007 16:48 3.273 kB to previous | to last nowiki should be specified as not having any special formatting
6 06-Mar-2007 13:37 2.92 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last agree on separation of {{{...}}} and ##...##
5 06-Mar-2007 12:01 2.397 kB to previous | to last separate issues of no-wiki and tt-formatting
4 02-Mar-2007 16:44 1.978 kB MicheleTomaiuolo to previous | to last escape character
3 02-Mar-2007 16:43 1.966 kB MicheleTomaiuolo to previous | to last escape character
2 02-Mar-2007 16:21 1.67 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last
1 02-Mar-2007 15:53 1.216 kB to last Critique of text and def. in Creole 0.5 final
« This page (revision-19) was last changed on 21-Apr-2007 13:23 by