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This page (revision-19) was last changed on 21-Apr-2007 13:23 by  

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At line 52 changed 3 lines
In preformatted blocks, triple braces are only recognized as the end marker at the very beginning
of a line. Google code finds 200 matches, which is probably acceptable, since braces can be made
meaningless to the Creole parser with a single leading space.
In preformatted blocks, triple braces are only recognized as the end marker at the very beginning of a line. Google code finds 200 matches, which is probably acceptable, since braces can be made meaningless to the Creole parser with a single leading space.
At line 56 changed 3 lines
In inline nowiki, triple braces could cause problems only when followed by something else, which
has been considered here (rightfully imo) as an edge case. Workarounds exist, such as two successive
inline nowikis.
In inline nowiki, triple braces could cause problems only when followed by something else, which has been considered here (rightfully imo) as an
edge case. Workarounds exist, such as two successive inline nowikis.
At line 60 changed 2 lines
Your last search shows that no fix end marker is safe. User-selected end markers would probably
make some implementations much more complicated.
Your last search shows that no fix end marker is safe. User-selected end markers would probably make some implementations much more complicated.
At line 60 added 27 lines
I can't believe the 200 number. Right now a google code search for ^}}} (triple close brace at the start of a line) shows not 200 but 30,000 matching files.
(The regexp that better matched your definition, namely ^}}}*$, actually matched about half as many, which suggests the code search may still be borked. Google code search was clearly borked last night. A google engineer emailed me today to say he thought it was now fixed, but I don't believe him. Regardless of google code search, I am sure I've written and read occurences of }}} in a line on its own within code, which is why I'm convinced the 200 count (which translates to "very rare") is wildly inaccurate even if the 30,000 count is also inaccurate.)
I agree that user-selected end markers would suck for the reason you outlined.
So, I still think you need to pick something other than triple braces, and I still think you should test proposals with google code search, but I agree you won't get a perfect pick and should instead pick a straight double or triple and I wish to emphasize that, while Google code search results should be checked, the result //counts// should be viewed with some suspicion for the time being. (Fwiw, I've posted [[http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Code-Search/browse_thread/thread/72d626abc26db050/#|a message]] to try prod google labs into fixing/improving the counts.)
-- [[RaiphMellor]], 2007-Apr-20
Here is my search: [[http://www.google.com/codesearch/advanced_code_search?hl=fr&q=+%5E%7D%7D%7D]] (advanced search with regexp caret-rightbrace-rightbrace-rightbrace). It still returns
200. Now I can't exclude Google takes into account that I'm located in Switzerland and I speak
Writing triple-braces alone is a matter of style. In languages which use braces for block begin/end
markers, I'd expect multiple braces mainly in compact one-line expressions, such as macro
definitions and JavaScript inline code, and maybe in code generated automatically. I'm not that
-- [[YvesPiguet]], 2007-Apr-21
Most wiki engines (the NoWikiMarkupComparison is not finished yet, I have no free time recently) use exactly this syntax, and I don't remember **anyone** complaining, even on higly C- and Java-centered wikis. The truth is that most any language that uses braces to markup blocks also ignores whitespace, so it's very easy to prevent the {{{~}}}}}} from interfering. In addition, the non-indented braces are only likely at the end of pasted code, so it's easy to space-stuff them.
I think we should rather use dice rolls to check our markup, as it seems to be much more reliable than google code search and gives much more consistent results. I just repeat Yves' and Raiph's searches, and the outcome is truly amusing: the search for {{{^~}}}}}} returns 200 hits, while the search for more restrictive pattern {{{^~}}}\s*$}}} returns 300 hits. Then again, search for the most restrictive {{{^~}}}$}}} gives 18000 hits. Clearly a great thing to base our standards on.
-- [[Radomir Dopieralski]], 2007-Apr-21
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
19 21-Apr-2007 13:23 8.723 kB to previous my results
18 21-Apr-2007 13:22 8.722 kB to previous | to last my results
17 21-Apr-2007 13:22 8.722 kB to previous | to last my results
16 21-Apr-2007 09:28 7.707 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Still 200 for me
15 21-Apr-2007 06:57 7.074 kB to previous | to last
14 21-Apr-2007 06:29 6.82 kB to previous | to last I still think triple braces is the wrong choice
13 20-Apr-2007 09:18 5.66 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Google finds 200 triple-brace matches
12 20-Apr-2007 09:13 5.659 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Make recommended XHTML and sample output of italic agree
11 20-Apr-2007 07:59 4.996 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last
10 20-Apr-2007 06:26 5.021 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last
9 20-Apr-2007 04:14 4.076 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last }}} con
8 08-Mar-2007 17:10 3.802 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last monospace is bad for emphasis
7 08-Mar-2007 16:48 3.273 kB to previous | to last nowiki should be specified as not having any special formatting
6 06-Mar-2007 13:37 2.92 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last agree on separation of {{{...}}} and ##...##
5 06-Mar-2007 12:01 2.397 kB to previous | to last separate issues of no-wiki and tt-formatting
4 02-Mar-2007 16:44 1.978 kB MicheleTomaiuolo to previous | to last escape character
3 02-Mar-2007 16:43 1.966 kB MicheleTomaiuolo to previous | to last escape character
2 02-Mar-2007 16:21 1.67 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last
1 02-Mar-2007 15:53 1.216 kB to last Critique of text and def. in Creole 0.5 final
« This page (revision-19) was last changed on 21-Apr-2007 13:23 by