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This page (revision-19) was last changed on 21-Apr-2007 13:23 by  

This page was created on 02-Mar-2007 15:53 by

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At line 3 changed one line
I find the text in [[Creole 0.5]] (final) difficult to understand. The issues of preformatted and no-wiki seem to run into each other. It is unclear why the first section is called "Preformatted" (should'nt it be ("Preformatted and nowiki"?), the second section on escaping mentions both, but seems to deal exclusively with the block-style preformatted. Escaping inline-nowiki seems to be not discussed.
I find the text in [[Creole 0.5]] (final) difficult to understand. The issues of preformatted and no-wiki seem to run into each other. It is unclear why the first section is called "Preformatted" (shouldn't it be ("Preformatted and nowiki"?), the second section on escaping mentions both, but seems to deal exclusively with the block-style preformatted. Escaping inline-nowiki seems to be not discussed.
At line 5 changed one line
It is unclear to me, why Creole wants to force users who simply happen to have text containing some wiki-interpreted element (like double asterisk, or double square brackets, or double backslash (e.g. when discussing visual basic office macros, plenty of double backslash...) that the "offending" text cannot simple be nowike, but must also be in teletype font (expressed both verbally and in tt-xhtml markup example.
It is unclear to me, why Creole wants to force users who simply happen to have text containing some wiki-interpreted element (like double asterisk, or double square brackets, or double backslash (e.g. when discussing visual basic office macros, plenty of double backslash...) that the "offending" text cannot simple be nowiki, but must also be in teletype font (expressed both verbally and in the tt-xhtml markup example).
At line 7 changed one line
With respect to the latter point, the Creole definition and the reasoning page seem to be in contradiction, reasoning says: "There must be a way for users to enter text which will not be formatted by the wiki engine" - but creole enforces tt-format!
With respect to the latter point, the Creole definition and the reasoning page seem to be in contradiction, reasoning says: "There must be a way for users to enter text which will not be formatted by the wiki engine" - but creole 0.5 enforces tt-format!
At line 9 changed one line
[[Gregor Hagedorn]] 2007-03-02
-- [[Gregor Hagedorn]] 2007-03-02
At line 24 added 4 lines
Is there any reason to tie teletype formatting to no-wiki parsing? I think this is really a programmers perspective, who seem to like their codes in teletype. I think there is no logical connection, however. I support Yves proposal to keep the issue separate - except in preformatted, where space is treated as formatting method, thus requiring also fixed with font.
-- [[Gregor Hagedorn]] 2007-03-06
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
19 21-Apr-2007 13:23 8.723 kB to previous my results
18 21-Apr-2007 13:22 8.722 kB to previous | to last my results
17 21-Apr-2007 13:22 8.722 kB to previous | to last my results
16 21-Apr-2007 09:28 7.707 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Still 200 for me
15 21-Apr-2007 06:57 7.074 kB to previous | to last
14 21-Apr-2007 06:29 6.82 kB to previous | to last I still think triple braces is the wrong choice
13 20-Apr-2007 09:18 5.66 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Google finds 200 triple-brace matches
12 20-Apr-2007 09:13 5.659 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last Make recommended XHTML and sample output of italic agree
11 20-Apr-2007 07:59 4.996 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last
10 20-Apr-2007 06:26 5.021 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last
9 20-Apr-2007 04:14 4.076 kB RaiphMellor to previous | to last }}} con
8 08-Mar-2007 17:10 3.802 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last monospace is bad for emphasis
7 08-Mar-2007 16:48 3.273 kB to previous | to last nowiki should be specified as not having any special formatting
6 06-Mar-2007 13:37 2.92 kB RadomirDopieralski to previous | to last agree on separation of {{{...}}} and ##...##
5 06-Mar-2007 12:01 2.397 kB to previous | to last separate issues of no-wiki and tt-formatting
4 02-Mar-2007 16:44 1.978 kB MicheleTomaiuolo to previous | to last escape character
3 02-Mar-2007 16:43 1.966 kB MicheleTomaiuolo to previous | to last escape character
2 02-Mar-2007 16:21 1.67 kB YvesPiguet to previous | to last
1 02-Mar-2007 15:53 1.216 kB to last Critique of text and def. in Creole 0.5 final
« This page (revision-19) was last changed on 21-Apr-2007 13:23 by