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zelvarlic This part of the wiki is intended to document the reasons behind choosing particular markup for Creole, as well as to allow discussion of particular choices and propositions. These practices where derived from the Goals and the experiences implementers and users of Creole made.

Creole covers markup for some CommonTextElements. The markup should be EasyToLearn and EasyToTeach, as well as FastToType and should use ReadableMarkup which is NonDestructive. It should cover the CommonThingsPeopleNeed.

The special role of common markup requires it to be ExtensibleByOmission, NotNew and CollisionFree with markup used commonly on wikis. A markup should not be designed around EdgeCases.

The InternationalizationConcerns require it to AvoidTextTags and AvoidSpecialCharacters.

Because we want Creole to be widely adopted, we need to make it easy to parse using CommonWikiParsingTechniques, and also easy to explain, preferably using a prepared simple CheatSheet. The both goals easy to explain and easy to parse sometimes contradict each other. It is generally good practice for developers to listen to their users and MakeTheMachineWorkHarder in that case. On the Ambiguities page we collect possible markup colissions and strategies to handle them.

There are HintsOnExtending that are supposed to help adding non-standard features to Creole when needed.

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« This particular version was published on 26-Sep-2007 01:43 by