Space NOT required after character#
- ChristophSauer: strongly, you obviously don't look at your end users if you seriously state that requiring space after the bullet list character is more user friendly: What do you display if the user forgets the space after the list character, an ERROR MESSAGE? - or leaving the poor end user figuring out why he got a MESSED UP DISPLAY? You will end up answering e-mails of users asking you what they did wrong, unfortunately you will not be able to automate your responses... Requiring space after markup char is designing creole around technical issues - namely the conflict with asterisk for both bold and lists.
- Gregor: Christoph, I think your argument is illogical. What does the user get? What she or he typed, an asterisk. What does the user get if she or he breaks a line in a paragraph so it accidentially starts with a dash or minus? Three paragraphs instead of one, the middle one with a dot in front of it. Which is way more confusing? Any markup must be learned, that is why most wikis have a preview.
OK, let's see what happens, since the latest CreolePageFilter for this wiki supports both markup for lists: hyphens and asterisk...
Does someone really acci -dentally break the line like this???
Does someone really acci
- dentally break the line like this???
A human user might do this, but rarely because it is wrong even in handwriting. But I don't know Texteditor-programms that do that automatically (putting hard line breaks in it, don't confuse it with wordwrap!!!). Such editors might exist, though I don't know a single relevant example. Then this editor would also mess up other display on other markup, because it might do hard line breaks where it should not put it...
This is a **bold text* *, damn it, this strange editor broke the line befor the ending bold
This is a bold text*
- , damn it, this strange editor broke the line befor the ending asterisk
Your example is hypothetical like mine unless you name me a Texteditor that has such a option that does hard line breaks that way relevant to practice. We already can exclude the most important Texteditors relevant to us: The TextArea field in Browsers(!).
--ChristophSauer 14-Apr-2007
But mentionning negative numbers and manually typing return (we have decided to ignore, i.e. permit, single hard line breaks in paragraphs), such as
- 1, is much more common. Stars sticked in front of words are less frequent.
-- YvesPiguet, 2007-Apr-14
But mentioning equals signs and manually typing return, such as
1, could be common as well. I understand your point, pleas understand mine.#
(For my example I had to use 2 equal signs to show the effect, but creole permits first level with one equal sign as well)
-- ChristophSauer, 2007-Apr-14