Michele Tomaiuolo is working on a Creole extension for the PEAR Text_Wiki package. You can already see it in action.
Apart from all the elements defined in Creole 0.4, it experimentally supports:
- Automatic inlining of images when links end with .jpg etc.
- Quotation (e-mail style)
- Address (or Signature: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/global.html#h-7.5.6 - start a line with two dashes)
- Superscript (ordinals as 1st, 1ère etc are also automatically superscripted)
It also has a full renderer, to convert documents from other wiki syntaxes to Creole.
Text_Wiki is used by Yawiki, but it can be easily integrated into other php software. For example, it has been used to create a Drupal filter.
Note. Single newlines are handled as in most wikis (ignored), but if the Newline rule is removed (commenting a single line) from the $rules array in Creole.php, they will be handled as in word-processors (meaning a paragraph break). A custom $rules array can also be passed as a parameter to the Text_Wiki_Creole constructor.