Quick Reference#
This is a quick reference for Creole 0.3
Wiki Classes | Creole Text | Result |
cWikiBold | **bold** | bold |
cWikiHeading2 cWikiHeading3 cWikiHeading4 cWikiHeading5 cWikiHeading6 | == Heading2 == === Heading3 === ==== Heading4 ==== ===== Heading5 ===== ====== Heading6 ====== | headings in different sizes 2 being the largest, 6 the smallest |
cWikiHorizontalRule | ---- | horizontal rule |
cWikiImage | {{GPN-2000-001132.jpg}} {{GPN-2000-001132.jpg|Moon}} | image image with label |
cWikiItalic | //italics// | italics |
cWikiLineBreak | This is the first line. This is the second line. | line break |
cWikiLink | [[WikiFormat]] [[WikiFormat|Creole]] [[http://www.jynx.com/]] [[http://www.jynx.com/|Jynx]] http://www.wikicreole.org/ | internal link internal link with label external link external link with label free standing external link |
cWikiList cWikiListItem cWikiOrderedList | # one # two # three | orderded list |
cWikiList cWikiListItem cWikiUnorderedList | * one * two * three | unorderded list |
cWikiParagraph | paragraph | |
cWikiPlaceholder | <<...>> | placeholder |
cWikiPreformatted | {{{preformatted}}} | preformatted |
cWikiTable cWikiTableRow cWikiTableData | | Cell 1.1 | Cell 1.2 | | Cell 2.1 | Cell 2.2 | | table like this one |
cWikiText | some text | some text |
The wiki classes help to generalize the object model and provide an abstraction layer for different output formats (i.e. not bound to XHTML). They are not a formal part of the Creole spec and are only included here for discussion purposes. They could be removed from the quick reference if necessary.
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