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Lead developer of Sysquake.

Interested in simple markup for all places where text is used in Sysquake.


  1. A set of simple rules a user can learn and rely on
  2. Different markup for monospace font (e.g. ##) and inline verbatim
  3. Styles (**, //, __ and ##) in titles
  4. DL lists


  1. Underline, superscript, subscript
  2. Multiline list items with lists terminated by empty lines or next (sub)title
  3. Multiline "modules" (aka multiline placeholders)
  4. Indented paragraphs à la Mediawiki


  1. Automatic, poorly defined URLs supposed to follow ad hoc, implementer-dependent rules to limit interference with Creole mark-up
  2. Lack of interest for security risks a straight implementation could imply (such as Wikipedia: Code_injection in images)

Experimental implementation#

Nyctergatis, an experimental implementation, can be tested. Based on Creole 0.5 and some proposals, it supports the whole requirement list and wishlist above; its documentation is a better and more precise reference.

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« This particular version was published on 01-Mär-2007 13:01 by YvesPiguet.