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This page (revision-35) was last changed on 26-Sep-2007 12:33 by ChuckSmith  

This page was created on 26-Aug-2006 13:27 by Christoph

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At line 1 removed 3 lines
At line 28 changed one line
There is a SpamFilter installed. If you have trouble editing a page due to the spam filter, let the [Admins] know.
theres a SpamFilter installed. If you have trouble editing a page due to the spam filter, let the [Admins] know.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
35 26-Sep-2007 12:33 1.536 kB ChuckSmith to previous restore
34 26-Sep-2007 02:16 1.58 kB to previous | to last
33 26-Sep-2007 02:16 1.566 kB to previous | to last
32 26-Sep-2007 02:15 1.552 kB to previous | to last
31 27-May-2007 14:41 1.538 kB to previous | to last
30 14-Feb-2007 19:59 1.536 kB ChristophSauer to previous | to last Christoph -> Admins
29 16-Jan-2007 11:34 1.535 kB Christoph to previous | to last added further explanation
28 16-Jan-2007 11:32 1.517 kB Christoph to previous | to last added link to JSPWiki markup, since we now only describe creole markup here
27 13-Jan-2007 17:23 1.496 kB Christoph to previous | to last changed documentation -> use creole syntax
26 19-Dec-2006 11:35 1.362 kB Christoph to previous | to last moved discussion to Talk page
25 19-Dec-2006 11:30 3.125 kB Christoph to previous | to last switched to latest stable
24 18-Dec-2006 19:02 3.001 kB JanneJalkanen to previous | to last
23 18-Dec-2006 12:44 2.635 kB Christoph to previous | to last activated spam filter
22 15-Dec-2006 11:15 2.398 kB ChuckSmith to previous | to last spam revert
21 15-Dec-2006 02:49 53.556 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-35) was last changed on 26-Sep-2007 12:33 by ChuckSmith