I've refactored out discussions about spam here that where found on other pages like talk, we might later refactor it in a guideline on how we handle spam on this wiki...
-- ChristophSauer, 2007-Okt-16 09:27 (CEST)
Sorry for coming again with that, I remember having been told there is no solution, but it's the 7th time in about one week that I must revert Michele Tomaiuolo. It's been so fast lately I guess someone is doing it on purpose. It's been done by, which doesn't have a reverse DNS entry.
This wiki seems to have an automated locking mechanism. Couldn't you add a rule to stop changes with too long subject lines, or which empty pages, especially from unregistered connections, and especially if it's repetitive? And a way to prevent automated scripts from working, such as images to decipher or simple arithmetic to do à la C2?
-- YvesPiguet
Maybe it's time now to activate akismet again. I also will look into other options of the JSPWiki spam filter. Michele, as a quickfix I locked your page, but of course I know that this is no permanent solution.
Yesterday I couldn't restore two pages successively, because I was blocked for a few hours because of my
suspicious activity. But the Change note of my second attempt was registered while the contents of the
page was left unchanged. The history in
http://www.wikicreole.org/PageInfo.jsp?page=MicheleTomaiuolo doesn't reflect that.
-- YvesPiguet
Yes, there's something wrong. I'll look into that immediately.
-- ChristophSauer, 2007-Aug-16 14:10 (CEST)
Isn't it possible to reduce spam with technical means? Something like c2, maybe?
-- YvesPiguet
The spam filter is already catching alot of this, otherwise we probably couldn't work here anymore. It's not worth talking about spam ;)
-- ChristophSauer, 2007-Jul-05 21:11 (CEST)